
Your one-stop horse hub for all things Equestrian - Education, Buying, Selling and Managing.

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Create your EquiMatch account today.

Free Account: View full site; all horse details; contact sellers; buy from Marketplace.

Subscription: $25 per annum as above plus access full horse information; photos & videos; contact sellers; list a horse or business; advertise items in our marketplace; search or list events in the calendar; record your own horse details in EquiManage and so much more.

For just $25 a year become a member and join the EquiMatch community.

Listing Access

Full access and management of sales, purchases, and directories, as well as one free horse listing with the option to upgrade to more listings.


Ability to engage in sales and offers in the marketplace as a buyer or seller. List up to 5 items in the Marketplace as part of your subscription


Add your horse details to EquiManage and keep up to date with appointments and events. List up to 5 horses details as part of your subscription

Personalised Account

Manage your purchases and sales on a personalised seller or buyer’s account​.

Stats & Watchlist

Full access to horse stats and ability to save to your watchlist. Find horses easily that meet your criteria and experience level.

Seller Contact

Ability to directly contact our registerd sellers with your horse purchase related enquiries.​

|| packages.

Our Horse Listing Packages

Sign up for our Standard Membership to get started then upgrade your membership to list more horses.
$  20. 00
$  100. 00

|| FAQS.

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse some of our most asked questions.
How do I list a horse on the site?
To list a single horse for sale you will need to sign up for a subscription at just $25 a year. This includes the ability to list one horse. If you want to sell multiple horses, you will need to purchase a suitable package to cover the number of horses you want to list in a year. Click here to list your horse.
No, you will need to create an account. Membership lasts a year and costs only $25. Your account allows you to list one horse as well as giving you access to other benefits. Click here to create your account.
Yes, you can change your horse listing once it has been published, however, all changes need to be approved by an administrator.
You can add more photos and videos once your listing has been created. You can add as many photos as you want as long as the total size does not exceed 80MB. The videos are added via a Youtube link, so you can add as many as you want. For instructions on how to do this have a look at our video help blog.
Yes, you can change the videos / photos but all changes will need to be approved by an administrator
We have multiple packages available choose from our options here to upgrade your current package.
You can list your business in as many categories as you like. You can edit your listing by going to My Listings on your account.
In order to list in our directory, you will need to create an account. Membership is $25 and lasts a year. As part of your membership you can list one business in our directory or you can list one horse. If you want to do both or you want to add more than one business you can purchase additional listing packages by going to List a Business.